make her say

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Friday, 29 August 2008 @ 1:09 pm

well done,  solitary life once in a while actually benefits. 

i told my mom how to skype today:)
moms smiling cos the comp was still lagging, after few seconds the face turned into a sour one, followed by 5 min lecture of how piercings can cause cancer. 


i was doing a dedication to the upcoming fasting month and she was showing me her pedicure -_-

then maks join along. btw, shes all dressed up and im in PJs cos the lovely granddaughter was already at home since 8, and maks just came back from dinner dance at 11 :/

left, mom was intro-ing me the new maid and right, mak was giving recipes to the old one.

mom was saying how that now there's skype, we all can pray together...

p.s, yesterday i went to accompany grandma to do her knee xrays. it was one of the most painful sights i've ever seen. she was laying on the bed, the doctor put all these weird wire things everywhere on the bottom half f her body. every few seconds he presses the buttons and the "wirey things" zaps. and everytime it does that, her body moves. when it was all done, i helped her stand up and her eyes were teary. she is usually a very very very strong woman, both internally and externally:(

i truly madly deeply miss my mamii:( 

goodnight kiddies!