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Tuesday, 19 August 2008 @ 12:58 am

one thing i desire,
one thing i seek

it's 4pm now, i chose the warm electric blanket instead of marketing tute. i love the subject, but i hate the tutorials. it's a waste of time, no participation mark and half of the time it's presentations. to top all of that, i hate the tutor. he is around 6ft tall and buff, he reminds me of a WWE wrestler. rarely jokes, and when he does, rarely anyone gets it. super intimidating and scary extremely with his low vice, long hair and rugged face (no, not in the hot sexy kinda rugged). and also there's this mature age woman who seems like she's all that and she occasionally raises up her hand to ask the tutor to repeat himself so that she can take down unfamiliar word to add in her list of new vocabs. urgggh

dad came yesterday (yeeha!), even though i was sort of pissed by the fact that he came as a surprise (cos had to clean the house + wash car quickly) but it's all good now. ate at hkgbbq for dinner cos it was one of his favourite in Perth and finally got to eat my wanton noodle with kailan after craving it the night before. then went back home to study consumer behaviour all the way till late late night. i thought i could do the chapters in a couple of hours but no, it took much longer than expected. the limited sleep result into the following:

my morning pre-consumerbehaviourtest dilemma:
-waking up only after the first alarm (a big WOW, usually it takes me 3 alarms)
-feeling very awakehigh, i jumped into the shower
-a rather long shower, even did hair treatment???wth
-taking the laptop into the bathroom so i could dry&watch the slides at the same time
-constantly felt like having to vomit, not being able to consume anything
-went in the car and realized that i didn't bring any stationaries
-after passing the 1st roundabout, i realized that i left the garage open so no choice but to drive back
-somehow i had huge craving for some hillsongs?!?
-went to the cnnghighway petrol station on the other side of the bridge which is so out of the way cos i wasn't able to think of others at that time. so dumb, there's actually gull which is 3 mins away from my house, and otw to school there's BP and shell.
-used credit card for $3.40 pumpwater? when the $5 note was sticking out of my wallet
-almost getting into car accident just before turning to the rd just because i forgot to look on my left
-resulted in the dude swearing and pointing his middle finger at me
-i had no idea why i put in 4bucks for parking when the test is only an hour (parking fee, $2per hour)
-after getting out of the car, i realized that i forgot to put the ticket on the dashboard. not only that, i forgot where i put the ticket. after searching everywhere, i found it scrunched up on the side pocket. i must have thought it was rubbish.

what a morning! on a brighter note, the test went well:)

ALSO, do you know that INDONESIA is 34th in OLYMPICS?! Singapore and Malaysia is not even listed on the results page! the day before yesterday, the indo men's double won the finals and received Gold Medal!

okay it's 5 now i have a compulsory consumer behaviour tute at 5.30 (worth 2.5%). if i leave now i still can buy takeaway flat white and still reach uni in time:)

bye kiddd-deeees!