make her say

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Saturday, 28 June 2008 @ 8:43 am

eepyn says: (10:35:52 PM)
miss you like shit..
eepyn says: (10:35:59 PM)
eepyn says: (10:36:10 PM)
too used to having you around already
eepyn says: (10:36:15 PM)
thats what happens i tell you
(*)mesa// says: (10:36:17 PM)
believe it or not i actually do miss you
eepyn says: (10:36:27 PM)
(*)mesa// says: (10:36:33 PM)
what r u doing honey?
(*)mesa// says: (10:36:50 PM)
i feel that ive been missing out so muchh
eepyn says: (10:37:46 PM)
nope.. not really..
eepyn says: (10:38:01 PM)
we are al separated.. so not many eventful things TOGETHER
(*)mesa// says: (10:39:53 PM)
yeah exactly 
(*)mesa// says: (10:39:57 PM)
i miss out on so much things
(*)mesa// says: (10:40:45 PM)
and like usually all the small things tt happen we always talk to each other
eepyn says: (10:40:45 PM)
you know.. everytime i eat cereal it remindds me of you.. wtf right
(*)mesa// says: (10:40:49 PM)

seriously this is the only thing that made my day:)