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Tuesday, 17 June 2008 @ 6:09 am

greetings from kampung!

arrived in jakarta at midnight welcomed by the superlong queue (found out that there were 3 planes which arrived the same as us). One of which was a big tour from china, (i dont even get it, why would anyone wanna tour around indo?) and they dont understand indo at all so the immigration was full of china-spaking people, shouting their lungs out, complaining about the long queue and the service (no surprise).

after waiting for about half an hour, we jumped for joy as it was our turn. so first my grandma was out, then my bro, then me. but not S. we forgot that she had to write an immigration card (plus, we were sleeping most of the time on board anyway). so then we had to go back and wrote the freaking card and when we were back on the counter guess what! the whole computer system is down! 

seriously? what other country in the world will have such problems? bloody system was down? its a freaking immigration for goodness sake. what happens when there are convicts and shit? or like bloody terrorist? in the end they had to do it manually! wth right, manually! 

anyway, then it was the long dreading ride back to bandung from jkt. S was surprised; "how come theres no lights on the highway?". i have no idea? we reached at about 3am plus plus. showed her around the house, talked, cleaned ourselves, and we finally snoozed in at around 5am? woke up the next day at 1pm cos my grandma went inside the room and shouted "wake up now, its already 3PM!" when its actually only 1! liar liar pants on fire.

went to the shopping centre, had starbucks, had breadtalk and bought S contacts cos she was like; "M, i REALLY NEED IT DESPERATELY. mine expired already and i wore it for three days straight already!" so then home after and steamboat for dinner:) night was just having a heart to heart talk to my mommy and i was too lazy to go out so i didnt follow S and the rest to chill at the new lounger thingo.

funny, i wasnt able to sleep till 10am. at around 6.50 we both were still wide awake, so we decided to go for breakkie. not for the food but to waste the freaking morning and so that we tire ourselves;
1. it took us sooooo long to find the bloody information no. i knew it was a three digit no so we were both trying on our phones all the possibles no. still couldnt get it.
2. i intercom-ed the security guard cos i firgured he's the only one whos awake then he told me 012 or smth like that.
3. i typed in the digits but no, its not even the right one, it was some emergency crap. but the guy was nice enough to gimme the right one.
4. called sheraton and said yes they are open.
5. put on something quick and went to the garage. 
6. realized the freaking car that i couldnt (dont know how to) was blocking the driveway!!!

and so, we didnt go in the end. S went to sleep straight and i was still wide awake. went on the treadmill to tire myself out. finally slept at 11! what a morning!

woke up at 5pm, went to secret (the new place) cos my dad wants me to look at it. then tomorrow he's like "come down and help us arrange the setting blah blah" so i guess this summer is not a holiday afterall. 

things to look forward(?!) too
steph in bandung on thursday
anton/ella/fani/willy on fri to monday
intan next week to indo (for s)

whitney and her yummy prada bag!