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Tuesday, 3 June 2008 @ 8:23 am

i am super duper pisssed. i inserted the memory card from my cam to my comp but it didnt show up. SERIOUSLY whats up with this freaking laptop. i have to get a new one, but on the other hand i rather ask for a bag instead of one. but anyway let me list you the faults of my laptop;

1. webcam works, but for random camwhores it doesnt.
2. memory card thingo doesnt work
3. i cant play any DVD, it will just freeze
4. the battery life is 90mins max, and thats if i dont open too many applications.
5. internet doesnt work at all, only firefox does

okay fine, fifth one is really unnecessary cos who the heaven uses internet instead firefox nowadays? but cos i can only think of four faults for the time being, and 4 is a NONO number, thats why.

small talk;
on the way to oriental supermarket with grandma&E. i randomly popped up the q cos we were out of topics;
me: ma what happens if i do drugs?
ma: you do lah. ill make sure u get bruises all over your body. ill take the big-wooden-thingy-to-hit-the-mattress and use it to hit you. i will not stop until everything is swollen.

i hate legal framework like crap. kev reckons that i should just not study and fail it so that he has a friend to do it next sems. please lah seriously, another semester of legal framework??? no way! so we only have two topics to learn for the exams but seriously, its a pretty damn huge ones okay. im sick of Donoghue & Stevenson [1932] case crap and im sick of the stupid legal terms. (omg, i actually got the year right!)

talking about disturbia;
mesa// says:
but the last scenes were scary right
15 reasons. says:
which one?
mesa// says:
and like the part when the china dude was in the wardrobe
15 reasons. says:
the one his fren took video of him kissing d girl?
15 reasons. says:
that was scary

mesa// says:
how scary if your neighbour was oneee??!!!!
15 reasons. says:
how is it scary to av such a hot neighbour?!!!
15 reasons. says:
u must be kidding me!