make her say

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Thursday, 26 June 2008 @ 12:16 pm


finally i know how to make a collage, put up everything on desktop and printscreen! ha!

best present would be
just this, this exact red one

and one of the following, i wont be picky ill let you choose;

and maybe a couple of vita bangles;

and i would be the happiest person on earth:)

blake lively over a weekend. two CHANELs and a CHLOE PATCH saskia thingo

and this is for ylow who has been anti-social (not to her indiana of course), and has been staying home for 24/7!

goodnight kiddies
sweetest greetings from kampung:)

yes we were having full body massage which costs only $80aus (when converted) for both, plus full body coffee/strawberry scrub and meni pedi. and they even came to the house:):)