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Friday, 29 August 2008 @ 1:09 pm

well done,  solitary life once in a while actually benefits. 

i told my mom how to skype today:)
moms smiling cos the comp was still lagging, after few seconds the face turned into a sour one, followed by 5 min lecture of how piercings can cause cancer. 


i was doing a dedication to the upcoming fasting month and she was showing me her pedicure -_-

then maks join along. btw, shes all dressed up and im in PJs cos the lovely granddaughter was already at home since 8, and maks just came back from dinner dance at 11 :/

left, mom was intro-ing me the new maid and right, mak was giving recipes to the old one.

mom was saying how that now there's skype, we all can pray together...

p.s, yesterday i went to accompany grandma to do her knee xrays. it was one of the most painful sights i've ever seen. she was laying on the bed, the doctor put all these weird wire things everywhere on the bottom half f her body. every few seconds he presses the buttons and the "wirey things" zaps. and everytime it does that, her body moves. when it was all done, i helped her stand up and her eyes were teary. she is usually a very very very strong woman, both internally and externally:(

i truly madly deeply miss my mamii:( 

goodnight kiddies!
Monday, 25 August 2008 @ 11:41 am

i'm still here but it hasn't been easy
i'm sure that you had your reasons,
i'm scared for this emotion,
for years i've been holding it down

sometimes i think too much, sometimes i think i think too much. which one is right?
wait, who knows what's right or wrong anyway?
life is a funny thing, life is a joke, we can all laugh about it, yes. but at the end of the day, who am i to judge whether it's funny or not. who am i to judge what's right and what's wrong?

this is why i simply love sundays. yes you might not get "the answers" straight away just by spending time in God's house every week. but at least, with the prayers and hymns, you are reminded that no matter what happens, no matter how much of a week it was, God is always there, He never ever abandons us. never has and never will. you know sometimes i actually feel ashamed to approach God. i pray whenever i need His help, whenever i feel that only Him can understand my problems. what about those times when i'm happy? it's silly how i do that, it's even sillier when i realize that He is the one who makes the world turn, He is the one who creates all these little thing that makes me happy.

It's like for example, whenever i do the cross sign and ask God to guide me through the whole hour or so before every exams i've done. do i thank him when it's over? do i thank him if i pass my exams? rarely. what a shame really to abandon someone who never abandons us.

there are problems that can be solved. and there are others which only takes time, and hopefully it'll fade away. maybe "others" are the punishments that God have given to me. maybe maybe. that's why it seems so small yet so hurtful.
Saturday, 23 August 2008 @ 2:59 pm

this is my 5am routine. seriously i have no lifeeeee. i can do more productive things such as study. why m why m?
Tuesday, 19 August 2008 @ 12:58 am

one thing i desire,
one thing i seek

it's 4pm now, i chose the warm electric blanket instead of marketing tute. i love the subject, but i hate the tutorials. it's a waste of time, no participation mark and half of the time it's presentations. to top all of that, i hate the tutor. he is around 6ft tall and buff, he reminds me of a WWE wrestler. rarely jokes, and when he does, rarely anyone gets it. super intimidating and scary extremely with his low vice, long hair and rugged face (no, not in the hot sexy kinda rugged). and also there's this mature age woman who seems like she's all that and she occasionally raises up her hand to ask the tutor to repeat himself so that she can take down unfamiliar word to add in her list of new vocabs. urgggh

dad came yesterday (yeeha!), even though i was sort of pissed by the fact that he came as a surprise (cos had to clean the house + wash car quickly) but it's all good now. ate at hkgbbq for dinner cos it was one of his favourite in Perth and finally got to eat my wanton noodle with kailan after craving it the night before. then went back home to study consumer behaviour all the way till late late night. i thought i could do the chapters in a couple of hours but no, it took much longer than expected. the limited sleep result into the following:

my morning pre-consumerbehaviourtest dilemma:
-waking up only after the first alarm (a big WOW, usually it takes me 3 alarms)
-feeling very awakehigh, i jumped into the shower
-a rather long shower, even did hair treatment???wth
-taking the laptop into the bathroom so i could dry&watch the slides at the same time
-constantly felt like having to vomit, not being able to consume anything
-went in the car and realized that i didn't bring any stationaries
-after passing the 1st roundabout, i realized that i left the garage open so no choice but to drive back
-somehow i had huge craving for some hillsongs?!?
-went to the cnnghighway petrol station on the other side of the bridge which is so out of the way cos i wasn't able to think of others at that time. so dumb, there's actually gull which is 3 mins away from my house, and otw to school there's BP and shell.
-used credit card for $3.40 pumpwater? when the $5 note was sticking out of my wallet
-almost getting into car accident just before turning to the rd just because i forgot to look on my left
-resulted in the dude swearing and pointing his middle finger at me
-i had no idea why i put in 4bucks for parking when the test is only an hour (parking fee, $2per hour)
-after getting out of the car, i realized that i forgot to put the ticket on the dashboard. not only that, i forgot where i put the ticket. after searching everywhere, i found it scrunched up on the side pocket. i must have thought it was rubbish.

what a morning! on a brighter note, the test went well:)

ALSO, do you know that INDONESIA is 34th in OLYMPICS?! Singapore and Malaysia is not even listed on the results page! the day before yesterday, the indo men's double won the finals and received Gold Medal!

okay it's 5 now i have a compulsory consumer behaviour tute at 5.30 (worth 2.5%). if i leave now i still can buy takeaway flat white and still reach uni in time:)

bye kiddd-deeees!
Saturday, 16 August 2008 @ 4:09 am

i know it's not the end of the week yet, there's still roughly 29hours to go but let me reflect on my rather strange week so far. monday was arranging S' room makeover surprise, tuesday was a full day at school which ended at 7pm, wednesday i sent my grandma to her doc's appointment at 8am in the morning (and btw when i went there, the nurse told us that her appointment was actually on the 13th of aug 2007 a nd the last two weekdays of the week is rather strange. on thursday, i woke up feeling down and the whole day just got worse. after some comforting heart to heart talk and sorting out with what's going on with mom, the day turned upside down. it became the happiest day i've ever had since a long long time.

friday on the other hand, what a beautiful day it was! dinner with the commons was very entertaining, the last time we did that was like back in March? and then the night got better and better and suddenly it was like a roller coaster ride, suddenly everything became a mess. no one to blame except myself. perhaps it's not a big deal for the majority, but for me it was. a mistake that i've done, a mistake that i have to admit to myself, a mistake that i have to learn from, and finally a mistake that i have to stop thinking about, not letting it run around through my mind.

i need to wake up.
i need to grow up.
i need to move on.
i need to change.
i need to do them now.

Thursday, 14 August 2008 @ 8:26 am

develop and work out fully in one's mind;

today is a beautiful beautiful beautiful day. after every bad day comes a good day, however it doesnt mean vice versa. today's beautiful tomorrow will be as well:)

goodnight kiddoes, may you have beautiful dreams
(hopefully not the ones that ive been having consecutively for two/three nights since doggy sleptover)
Wednesday, 13 August 2008 @ 6:44 pm

those teenage hopes who have tears in their eyes,
too scared to own up to one little lie.

it's exactly 0949 and i am awake. no, not because of the usual insomnia attack, but because i attended my commbusiness lecture which was from 8 to 9. and what have M been doing from then till now(cos usually i would sleep straight after)? helping Maks to wash the dishes and also waiting for the pool guy to come cos Maks don't really understand his english and so i have to translate for her. slept at around 0130 last night, after cleaning my room + wardrobe (incld vacuuming) and also changed my bedsheets. had a really good 6 hours of deeep sleep (thanks to the clean room + warm electric blanket). M, is changing for the better. 

purposely put this post up to compare to this,click hereHEHE:):) cos its usually the other way around. i'm the messy one and she's the super clean neat freak. 
also, don't you think lamby & doggy sorta look alike?

yesterday was a rather long day. and no, don't feel bad C, i actually quite liked it. i love occupied + useful days seriously, cos by the end of the day you can actually say "M, today youve accomplished something", lame but that really completes my day. we went to pick up her car(she had to repair the windows cos freaking aholes went to break in the car again arggh) which was in wallata or was it malagata dont remember well but im sure it has alot of A's. so anyway, otw there we didn't have a map so we took my notebook and i purposely left the page on the map google site, with the specific directions which i searched earlier on. guess what happened along the way? somehow the page turned unavailable and it was too late to turn back cos the place was closing. we got lost for a bit and had to ask for directions BUT c'mon considering it was off Perth (even further than swan valley marg river chocs) i was extremely proud of us for finding the place! 

after was sab's house supposedly to study but end up just talking, balcony-ing, pool and so on..
michy came along too and seriously, when was the last time we took pics together? like in the leavers trip??????

so now i'm still waiting for the freaking pool guy to come otherwise i can't continue my sleep. i am planning to sleep till about 1am the latest, shower blah blah, then meet everyone in the afternoon for dinner/late night shopping. so anyway to kill time, im doing the usual, starstalking, justjareding and so onn.. and i found my no1topofthelist supermodel.

she's the most beautiful person on earth, she stands out from the crowd, hands down!

and this is a funny one. the next issue of harper's bazaar features designers dressed up and photographed in their fantasies. lagerfeld even had untied shoelace and some phat baggy jeans. apparently, they have other shots such as Kors in one of the famous Hitchcock's movies, Donatella Versace as the princess in Princess and the Pea and even Tyra as the first lady! September's issue must buy must buy must buy. also since we're on the subject, have anyone seen the clips of sydney fashion fest? it's extremely yummy esp alex perry's collection! you will literally drool

good morning kiddoes!

to whom it may concern (haha); i can sleepover at BOTH nights on FRIDAY and SATURDAY and i even told her i wll go back on Sat afternoon to change/take shower blah blah woohoo. persuading maks was easy, it took only about 5 mins. i asked her while washing the dishes (hehe) and i gave her a long explanation of how i would be a nerd/left-out-freak if i don't go. 
Thursday, 7 August 2008 @ 7:06 am

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home.

okay maybe that's a little bit too much haha im not that pathetic (or am i??)

picked Y up at 0330hours after her driving lesson then went to claremont. both of us were starving cos in my case, i woke up at 12 and was too lazy to find food in the house BUT in Y's case, she had only eaten breakfast and prolly lunch too actually and her driving went for 2.5 hours therefore she didnt eat in that period of time. so anyway reached claremont at about 4 plus and sadly, all the restaurants only have limited menu cos it was not dinner time yet and it was too late for lunch. so we got flat whites and shared a salmon bagel instead just to satisfy our hunger first. walked around claremont pretty much went inside most of the shops and found nothing that i'm actually desperate for. maybe cos i just came back from overseas therefore everything look so overpriced/unworthy. i wanna get new heels BUT its only first week of the month and i'm already running out of cash. oh oh actually, i saw this givenchy bag in scanlan&theodore and when i asked the price it was 2500, KMA seriously! i bet in the real outlet its less than 2000! but anyway, i have been saving up money i even open up another saving account beside my normal one. i get 6% interest per month as long as i don't take out money from it. it keeps on accumulating, and if you're really really despo and outta cash you are allowed to take money from it BUT you have to pay some fee. it's been around two /three weeks im in Perth and i HAVENT took out money from it yet, instead i put in TWICE already. i am doing great in this saving-up-money-for-rainy-days thing.

anyway dinner was at Pronto, salad and seafood risotto. surprisingly, the risotto was almost as good at kuppa's! the salad was freaking tomatoes with some olive oil and herbs and some cheese (must be exp) but Y and I are not a fan of cheese, it was freaking 23bucks!

good day, good company, zero shopping.

p.s. im gonna watch horton hears a who yayyy! and uh-oh the first pic is tempting me to go to jacksons tomorrow to get some watercolours and a drawing padd
goodnight kiddies!
Tuesday, 5 August 2008 @ 10:48 am

When you walk in the bar,
And you dressed like a star,
Rockin' your F me pumps.

so this semester i'm taking Business Informative System, Communication in Business, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour. since my life is oh-so-entertaining-not, i have nothing much to write so i shall blabber on about what i think about those units. So far, my favourite has been Consumer Behaviour (despite the fact that it ends at 7 and curtin is so dark&scary after 6) because 1.) today i met someone i know so woohoo i finally got a friend in the lecture and he doesnt know anyone who takes consumer behaviour too so yay. 2.) i like my tutor he's a singaporean and he lets us early. 3.) we were put into groups and my group members look like those who are hardworking and on task and they look like the ones who doesnt mind doing the work for me so yay. Marketing has been good as well just because i like the subject and and and er what other "and"s.. oh y is my group partner and she's always on task (dont worry y i wont let you down i wont do it last-semester-management-assignment style when we finish it like right on the dot). communication in business i hate i hate i hate. i hate the lecture i hate the tutor i hate everything about it. and also the fact that its bloody 10am in the morning on a monday! on the other hand, i have no comment on Business Info System because i haven't been to neither its lectures nor its labs/tutorials.

today was a long long long day. i had pretty much all the subject on my timetable. BIS lab from 9 till 10 (which i skipped cos duh so freaking early! eventhough i got woken up by the alarm i couldnt be bothered getting up from bed. i turned off the snooze button instead and finish watching definitely,maybe cos the night before i fell asleep towards the end of it.) after the movie i went back to sleep until 12, just in time to get ready for consumer behaviour lecture (yay!) then i had about two hour break in between to get subway for brunch and company maks for grocery shopping then went back to uni for marketing and consumer behaviour tutorial. and then rushed back home to grab birthday cake for maks-closefriend's-son's birthday and then went to his place and had dinner. dinner was rather looooooong (only about two hours is sihh but when most of them were 50++ yrs the minutes tend to multiply itself 3 times).

after was raffles for quick drinks and company. i swear if i know how to transfer pictures from blackberry to the laptop i would have tons and tons of pictures since nowadays mom is always harassing me with pictures WHEREVER i go ( damn free bbmessenger).

anyway so you know how lately guys have use man-bags? bags pour homme (in a more posh way of saying it, actually not really it's just "for men" if translated, hah! my yr 8 to 10 french lessons in HS is finally useful). i actually think they look nice. like in a non-metrosexual straight way. i mean papaperry used it once?

haha okay fine, it was because he was gonna go on a one night cruise. oh damn man! if it was me i'd still have a luggage, i mean how the hell can u fit shoes/clothes/bag/makeup/toilettries in that small "pouch"??? anyway i came across this yves saint laurent one and omg how yummy is it! i'd use it for laptop or like a travel bag? so yummy! no more "eww he's a metrosexual he has a man bag!"

ps. i miss papaperry/mamaelen. i called them and asked when they are coming cos i miss them so much. then they said they are way too busy to. next min i got a message from them which says "we are going to macau this thursday for the weekend" WAHH! and no, it's not a business trip or anything.

and i found another bald/botak/unshaven hotty.

oh! an R asked me "eh do i look dirty/messy unshaven?" then i was like "no way man im in the whole dirty unshaven look!" then he's like "eerrr my electric shaver doesnt work and still too cheapskate/havent had the time to get a new one thats why"

so anyway i wanna introduce you my friend/nightmare companion.
say hi to "lamby"

we reckon that doggy and lamby lookalike. the difference is that lamby is all holly and religious is even has a rosary around the neck. doggy always go "f me f u" too bad doggy it aint giving its virginity (or as E would phrase it, it a'int "swiping it's V card").

lamby says goodnight kiddies!

Sunday, 3 August 2008 @ 11:35 am

just some pics from the indo holiday with salleh:)

fav lines of the day (after watching juno);
The best thing you can do is to find a person who loves you for who you are.
God mood, Bad mood.
Ugly, Pretty, Handsome.
The right person still thinks the sun shines outta your ass.

youve gotta watch this.

he is really yummy

goodnight kiddies
Saturday, 2 August 2008 @ 3:06 am

yesterday was a blast, R's birthday dinner + karaoke. pics will be up when i find a way how to transfer them from my camera. my Marvelous Magnificent Macbook doesnt have an opening where i can insert the SDcard (but nvm, i still love my Mac no matter what). woke up early to get a haircut with Y then garbo to buy un-deees cos i just realized that i didnt bring any undergarments back to Perth only when I've reached Perth, on the way home from the airport. i'm Messy and totally disorganized.

i'm gonna head to back to my extremely comfy pillows surrounded by BB/anan and lambie/doggielookalike and sleep until whenever i wake up. wah damn "shiokkkz lehz", the weather is freezing BUT i've got electric blanket underneath me i'm gonna sleep the day away (okay fine maybe not "day" anymore cos it's quite dark already). when i wake up i'm gonna start looking at notes for school HA!

im hungry but i cbf and too sleepy ill eat later bye bye goodnight. anyone is up for supper do wake me up

yeaaaaaaaah bed!
@ 2:54 am

and in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
it's you it's you you make me sing
you're every line, you're every word, you're everything