make her say

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Tuesday, 6 May 2008 @ 10:36 am

Will you let me romanticize,
The beauty in our London Skies,
You know the sunlight always shines,
Behind the clouds of London Skies.

mah folks are coming down tomorrow(!). it was meant to be a surprise but one of my grandma's friend whose daughter is affiliated with my parents back in indo met today in supermarket and asked "oh your daughter and son-in-law coming tomorrow?" so thank God for whoever owns/built the supermarket cos otherwise i wont be alive tomorrow cos my room is extremely extremely messy.

eventhough ive mentioned couple of times that i miss them heaps i cant say that im overjoyed. it is a more of a "DAMN THEYRE COMING!" feeling;
l. now i have to clean my room
2. my dads coming for bw lah, face the fact
3. i will have entertain them when theyre here
4. cant do my own things pretty much & i have to share room w grandma
5. i have so many assignments this week and omg now that theyre here how am i gonna do them? how can i have any study time? (jk, it really doesnt matter whether i have assignments or not, cmon its M! frankly speaking its just for the usual unlucky no.4 sake.

i havent been blogging for a while, now i dont even know what to write/what i usually write about. uh-oh, the other day me and C had a goodgreenday and i cant be stuffed to explain so pictures shall be it. and btw, notice the oh-so-cool fonts please, cmon youve gotta gimme credit for that

good green day featuring C & I

ive been watching ANTM (as usual) and omg theres so many hollywood stars lookalike i swear. these are just a couple;

first i thought to myself, urrrrggh why do they choose such people? i mean, their faces are too common? but then i think again; hollywood has expanded soooo much that they have every kind of face you can think of, if you know what i mean.

ahhh im just so moody cos parents coming over + still have to clean my room + PMS. fuck this

bye kiddies/assholes
apology before hand for readers im just fcking pissed.