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Thursday, 17 April 2008 @ 7:04 am

so i was watching dr.90210, and today i learned a new word:

La"bi*o*plas`ty\, n. [Labium + -plasty.] (Surgh.) A plastic operation for making a new lip, or for replacing a lost tissue of a lip.

basically you do this when your outer lip is smaller/shorter than your inner lip. i am talking about the other lip btw, not the lips that you put lipstick on, not the one that posh use to "pout" with. so this chick was having the surgery because it "disturbs" her sexual intercourse and apparently it shows when shes only in her bikini. they showed the whole operation, the extra tissues that they've cut off. can you imagine how painfulll it is?

but on the other hand, as soon as im rich and legal enough i wouldnt mind going on these surgeries. go for some surgery that take fats off and like perhaps botox? i wouldnt do them too much that you cant recognize me anymore, i would do some just to satisfy myself:)

finally stepped in supre; i wouldnt say its super fantastic, but good enough to kill time. got a couple of things but none which are spectacular most probably because i was alone and i dont know how to choose the good stuff. but it was satisfying enough. harbour town was next, only to look for an oversized polo/tommyhilf/lacoste jumper. ive been looking for one for ages, all the ones ive seen is rather expensive and not worth it. and also cos i wanna get a couple, like diff colours, navy, black, red or any which are nice. they have a range of them in country road but i wouldnt wanna pay 70++for a simple v-neck jumper, and it doesnt even has a logo on it in my case, if its costly, it HAS to have a logo. *dont roll your eyes!* i am indo, i am excused:). i know that davidjones have some, but its like 160 bucks? mannn, i rather save up for a dress or for a MJ bag(which reminds me, theres one really really really nice navy Marcjacobs bag in wasteland, kg street, and it cos like 500 bucks? not that pricey right? so if anyone is feeling rich, youre most welcome to splurge it on me!)

so anyway, i was extremely excited when i reached harbour town. took the escalator, walked around the corner to look for the particular shop, and guess what? IT HAS CHANGED. the bloodyshop has turned into like a bonds shop. argggh! so my buys in HT was a few toiletries baskets and a shirt for grandma (cos she was pissed that ive been out and i didnt wanna get scolded when i arrive at home, so before she said anything i gave her the shirt!). i just wanna own some damn oversized jumper to wear to uni! and have i found one yet? zero.

C and her mom and S came over for dinner. so anyway, you know how her mom is extremely good at sudoku? i decided to have a sudoku battle w her after dinner. first round, she won. 2nd round i beat her! and please just let me have my glory it was really an achievement i swear, it made my day! to win something over a professional is definitely something to be proud of, and i havent been proud of myself for a long time. i just cant express the feeling when i said "I FINISH" before she does. and tomorrow they invite me for mundaring. if i go itll be the third time in like a month? i do feel like the seafood pizza, but its pizza. it's oily it's fattening. and if you do go to mundaring its either pizza or pizza, theres nothing else.

so tomorrow its ka-la-o-ke w my girlies again:) afterwards we're probably going to crash at C's. uh-oh and in the morning im FINALLY going to ikea. you know how long ive been wanting to go there since? like a month okay. its the new one and i really really cant wait. its like this huge rectangular blue building, its such a happy place. i really cant wait, am so very extremely excited!

this past few weeks ive been doing S' assignment, not because she's lazy or anything but i forced her to let me do her design work. im really into the whole design/drawing/art thing and S and C reckons i should move to design and say bye to commerce. i wish it's that easy. my parents will definitely let me, especially mom but i am so lazy in commerce already. can you imagine me doing design? and like people say what are you gonna do in the future if you take design? not that much, true. but thinking twice, whatever it is ill take over my family business, that is a like 99.9999% chance. and then i was thinking "if i fail commerce, THEN ill change". but then again, if i have that thought sealed in my mind, i will not even try to pass commerce? ill just slack all the way. so im not sure. i hate making decisions.

sooo its officially tution free week! no school for a week yay, eventhough uni doesnt take up many hours but its still a yay! im gonna make up my own study timetable cos i have assignments due and this time, i will actually do it okay. and btw a note to myself; i have to stop shopping. my mom warned me the other day. she asked me to list all the expenses cos she's scared im doing drugs etc etc etc. but everytime i go out, its so irresistible not to purchase something that catches my attention. you know what, this shall be my new challenge. the whole of tution free week, i will not, i repeat, I WILL NOT buy a single piece of outfit.

starstalking time!

this is for purposely for E. cos shes so obsessed with davidbeckham. i used to think hes just normal, until i found the pic above!

damn! can she be anymore gorgeous?

my two favourite gotmilk? ad so far

damn now i feel like drinking milk! which reminds me we have to go to margaretriver next weeeeeek! i feel like getting the free choc samplesss and drinking the choc milk!

look what ive found;

Page Six reports:
"Spencer was saying, 'I want the world to see the real Heidi and Spencer,' and was emphasizing that the show would be just about them. No Lauren Conrad," we're told.
According to our source, Pratt was "suggesting the show go through the whole lead-up to the wedding . . . finding a wedding planner, hunting for a dress designer, and all the drama that would be part of their wedding plans."
errr like seriously? are you kidding me mate? you think people would wanna watch it? actually i take it back cos i knew i would. not because i like them, cos i totally hate spencer like crap but cos im just into the whole scriptedHAHA reality show!

LC of the day;

seriously? do we really need to compare??

what a boring and dreading post, i apologize. im gonna go search for a new reality show to get obsessed with!

either that or play the freaking H.K cafe frontsteps game. i will not stop playing it until i get 4000 score. i have zero life and am not ashamed of it.

bye kiddies:)