make her say

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Thursday, 27 March 2008 @ 2:10 am

So you sitting all alone
You’re fragile and you’re cold, but that’s all right
Life these days is getting rough
They’ve knocked you down and beat you up
But it’s just a rollercoaster anyway, yeah

notice my editing skills?
had a semi-productive day at the library yesterday. ilectures are extremely helpful yet dreadfully looong. well for me it is anyway, cos i had to pause every single time in order to take down notes. also, i realized that going to legal framework is a no-no, what for when you can watch them on the sofa at home?

the hills is very addictive. yes i know its all scripted but still. you know sometime when you watch a show and you're like? omg i feel the same way too! and you can totally put yourself in their shoes? but then you think again, from all angles, her life's still so much better than mine.

so anyway, i have been having this dilemma. i NEVER think twice before something comes out of my mouth, and most of the time, i regret for saying the things i said. and its not like what i said is bad or offensive, but just something stupid that i shouldnt have said. something that made a particular person go, oh okay, since she said that i shouldnt do it to her then. and like that small things can impact other people in a huge way. and obviously it comes back to you. and btw, NO this has nothing to do with L.

another one of my fav, shes driving an escalade btw!
and balenciaga is definitely IN.

also, yr 12 perspectives is on kiddies! at the art gallery till like end of april if im not wrong. how i wish i could get back to yr 12 and perhaps concentrate more on my studies? then maybe one of them could end up in there? on the other hand however, i doubt i'll do anything differently if i restart the year? i would be the same old plain n lazy.

i miss everyone in indo, mom dad bro. everytime on the phone its always me in perth, and like a whole noisy crowd on the other end:(