an expresso shot can hopefully last me throughout the evening, depending on the crowd i meet.
Tuesday, 5 February 2008 @ 8:38 pm
i woke up today at 7 am feeling extremely miserable.
my legs are aching, in fact my whole body is.
and why is that?
yest at exactly 1350hours, i followed my granddad for his usual tuesdays&fridays walk. so i thought it was a walk until one of his buddy asked me; "kamu udah pernah lintas alam?"
kamu = you
udah = have
pernah = been
lintas = cross
alam = nature
so then it hint me that it wasnt just ordinary walks, it was freaking through the jungle, basically hiking. i cant believe that i actually did it. 10km and we were back to the beginning point by 1610hours ish. i never knew that my granddad was so strong, he could do it so easily without complaining, and like he only finished a tiny bottle of water but for me, he had to stop at every single "warung" [ts like a tiny tiny tiny shopsin the kampung] and got me a new bottle of water cos by then i would have finished the previous one. mann, i was exhausted. and btw hes 70++. then i came home feeling extremely exhasuted, and guess what i realized? in the morning, i was on the treadmill and it was accounted for 3km. so yesterday i did 13kms of jogging/walking. and also, remember that hiking through the jungle is like as if youre on the treadmill with like 4875094850934incline.
and my plan for today is [its 5 to 12 noon now]
-right after this im gonna sleep, i woke up at7am again today.
-and before that, im gonna treat myself with like 30mins of "everyoneworthknowing"
[i know me too, never once in my life i thought i will ever use the word 'treat' to associate with novels]
why 30 mins? cause im up to the finishing part. frankly speaking im actually really sad that its gonna be over its like a superuber good novel.
-then im gonna be awake by 2 ish, wash my face, put on shorts and shirt,
-then i will have my 3km/100cal treadmill.
and NO, i am not getting out of it today, why?
chinese new year dinner/gathering at my grandparents.
-then go to the salon. im just gonna cut a tiny bit of my hair, cos they said you have to throw away all the bad luck from last year, and im gonna have a fringe cut too. hopefully my fringe is long enough for a decent straight bangs.
-then go home and change and head off to grandparents.
and also i just asked the maid to buy credit for my phone. the last time i bought it was on monday, sunday the day i arrived from london. i used it to sms like 5 people to tell them my new indo no, and then called syaz for like 20 mins and 100rp worth of credit went down the drain. and i bought itonly today mainly cos, the only was to follow icemints trick was to not have credit on mah phone. haha! so, my dear icemint [the guru] three days is an appropriate break right?
also, yulyn i did tried to call you this morning but you hung up on me you bitch.